Sepehr Yasini


The land was located in the corner of one of the crucial intersections in Babol city it was close to the medical zone in the city but far from the high-level residential zone. But it had the potential to become a high-level residential complex. The location was even suitable for retail stores as well. But because of the regulations in Babol, building a commercial project won’t be profitable and logical because of the amount of parking lots that commercial projects need and it would be about more than 400 parking lots for the project. The land was surrounded by streets from its three sides and its area was about 4500 sq meters.


  • Providing maximum units as a result of providing maximum parking lots
  • Paying attention to the terms of sale and it was all units must not exceed over 100 sq meter
  • Designing a complex and mixed used project which would have commercial, official and residential zones
  • Providing a great proficiency for commercial and official zones


  • The main concept was providing more parking lots to build more units
  • Using the cross shape form would help to increase the amount of parking lots
  • Applying the dividing road between official and residential buildings and use that road as an access to parking lots simultaneously
  • To absorb better light every unit had two sides and also the southern blocks are designed taller than the northern ones to get more sunlight
  • Adding a linear patio in the middle of the official zone to penetrate the light through it
  • Placing the commercial part across the streets with a small step back
  • Using free spaces as a garden for the whole project

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