Sepehr Yasini


The client needed to design a villa on a 1000 sqm land with 15m width and with 67m length and also a 20m difference in height between the lowest and the highest level of the land. The land had two accesses for cars, one from the top and the other one from the bottom. We suggest to divide the land into two equal lands in area (500 sqm) and suggested the client to build two uniform villas and give accesses one from the top and the other from the bottom but the point was the difference in land levels and additionally the disturbing view that the upper villa would have to the bottom villa. On the other hand, the owner wanted to design those two villas with the local housing typology that Mazandaran province had in the past. Those two villas must be duplexes with pools.


  • Wantingto have one villa in the land
  • Uniforming the façade with local housing typology
  • Providing a pool for the villa
  • Paying attention to the city view
  • Designing a duplex villa
  • Adding an elevator
  • Providing a private terrace and a private sitting room on the second level of the building
  • Need to have 4 bedrooms (1 as a guest-room in ground floor and 3 for the residents on first-floor)



  • Using old-type bricks
  • Providing local brick patterns and brick-laying on the facade
  • Using Persian-cyan ceramics on the facade
  • Adding ring terraces around the first floor as a symbol of Gholamgardesh
  • Using wooden colums and handrails on terraces and also providing wooden- boards to cover the ceiling
  • Using metal roofing like the local ones
  • Adding 4 direction slanted roof
  • Using water as a main element in designing the landscape
  • Adding Poplars as the local tree in yards
  • Placing pools in a location with privacy
  • Locating villas in a way that there would be no disturbing views
  • Defining an entrance for each villa




  • We designed 2 villas in a way that have no disturbing views of each other
  • Divided the land into two smaller and equal lands in a rood shape
  • Using the first floor as a public zone in the upper villa and use the ground floor of the bottom villa as a public zone as well
  • Using local facade housing typology in designing both villas
  • Getting inspiration from ancient summer-houses to design villas and their landscapes
  • Adding elevators in villas


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