- Using old-type bricks
- Providing local brick patterns and brick-laying on the facade
- Using Persian-cyan ceramics on the facade
- Adding ring terraces around the first floor as a symbol of Gholamgardesh
- Using wooden colums and handrails on terraces and also providing wooden- boards to cover the ceiling
- Using metal roofing like the local ones
- Adding 4 direction slanted roof
- Using water as a main element in designing the landscape
- Adding Poplars as the local tree in yards
- Placing pools in a location with privacy
- Locating villas in a way that there would be no disturbing views
- Defining an entrance for each villa
- We designed 2 villas in a way that have no disturbing views of each other
- Divided the land into two smaller and equal lands in a rood shape
- Using the first floor as a public zone in the upper villa and use the ground floor of the bottom villa as a public zone as well
- Using local facade housing typology in designing both villas
- Getting inspiration from ancient summer-houses to design villas and their landscapes
- Adding elevators in villas