Sepehr Yasini


This project has been located in a vast orange orchard which had farming fish pool inside it. The pool was based on the ground and came out about 2.5 m and also it was about 25m long and 7m width.There were 3 walnut trees beside that pool. The client wanted to build a villa beside the pool and those walnut trees to have a great view of the garden.

Client’s demands

  • 5 bedrooms
    a. 1 for guests on the ground floor
    b. 4 bedrooms on the first floor plan
  • Play area, private and public sitting room,kitchen,large terraces, living room dining room, pool, saunas
  • Attaching the pool to the building




  • Round the whole building around the walnut tree and the pool
  • Divided the whole building into private, semiprivate and public zones
  • Creating a central yard beside centralizing the walnut tree
  • Adding a private terrace
  • Adding a second back door to improve the function of the private area
  • Using an inner garden and a void as divider object
  • Adding an external access to the pool beside the internal access
  • Leveling the first floor to the pool’s level

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