Sepehr Yasini


The University of Shahid Beheshti is one of the best universities among other universities in Iran, but without a proper entrance. The university is located in one of the most valuable zones of Tehran the
capital of Iran and the main entrance is placed in the corner of site which is beside the parking lot and a bank that all belong to the university.
we decided to design a multifunct-ional entrance which would have ( a gathering area, an exhibition zone, a bank and hidden parking place ). providing such functions would bring iteractions and meet needs simultaneously. There are many parameters that we have to be paid attention to for instance: the slope, the terafic peak, needs, security, building a monument, providing interactions, privacy and the other crucial elements that we have to pay attention to like the local climate. The land of the project was steep and in winter it became so slippy and dangerous for the people who wants to pass through the gate. In addition as a monument corridor we had to pay attention to cultural and architectural heritages and were to provide inspired by them and provide a concept. all these helped us to deisgn a remarkable project which was accepted by the university to be built.

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